Monday, November 30, 2020

Please send in your Memphis School Memories!

Thanks for visiting our Blog! Please consider sending us your story and any photos of your time at our old school. We'd love to hear from you! Mail your story (long or short) to:

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Mystery of the Lost Homework!

A cache of graded homework was found inside the old Memphis School science desk. Evidently, these papers fell behind the desk drawers during the 1950's or early 60's and sat 'entombed' in Room 307 for some 50 years!

Until recently, I had forgotten all about this find. We discovered these graded papers during the time we moved the old desk from Room 307 to our home. This was just before the wrecking-ball came calling. Since then, they've been stored in a shoebox in my garage. 

You may have seen a picture of the desk on this blog. If you haven't, go to 2010 blog archive and click on October 13th. 
The outside of this stash looks ancient! Looks like it should be in a museum!
Sort of resembles the Dead Sea Scrolls!
But when you open the fold...the papers look like they were just graded yesterday.
If anyone knows any of the students listed below, let them know that we found their homework! It would be great if one of them could shed some light as to what year these were from and for more fun...which teacher lost them! 

The only other markings on these papers is the subject; English Grade 5 a and some say Grade 5 b. It appears to be a book-report assignment on 'Winnie the Pooh'. 

Most of the names are legible, some of which I could only make out their first names. The names on the papers are:

Nancy Bachman, Dallas Pisker, Jane Gelzinis, Joan Cianciola, J.A. Bognar, Barbara Ferrell, Donna Payne, Margaret-Mary Haas, Byron, Steve Tekisky, Carol Jean Haller, Lynne Farkas, Steve Ference, Elaine Zychowski, Janice Claus, Sandra Stafford, Mary Ann BibelDelane, Billy Deisner, William Olsson, Ralph, Gerald Bekon, Esther Risellino, David RochiskySlyvia Simon, Wayne Austin, Jack Myers, Kenny Patock, Carla Schraegle, James Parker and Louise Homuth.

If you have any information in solving this mystery, e-mail me at:

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Send your Memphis School Story Today!

Hello Fellow Classmates!

We're hoping to post some new stories from our former classmates. During Covid-19, now's the time to write a story about your time at our great school.

Please send them to me at:

The above pic is our old elementary school back when it had only TWO floors, not three like we all remember. This super rare image was taken sometime before 1919...over 100 hundred years ago!!! It was taken just before the third floor was added.

Does anyone remember how cool our school looked at night when all of the classrooms were lit up? I remember going to open houses at night and walking there with my mom from W. 42nd Street. The school looked magnificent!

Please send your memories to me...long or short and some pics. Also, remember to hit the older posts button at the bottom of each page to see previous stories and pics.

Thank you!

Greg, Class of 72